When we were kids, we couldn’t wait to see the stores line
their shelves with boxes filled with Halloween costumes. It was the 70’s, and they were nasty
plastic/fabric wonders – think “hospital gown with two ties in the back to hold
it all together. Yeah, those….. But the best part of it was the mask. You weren’t that character until you put on
the mask. You couldn’t see, and the elastic
band was totally too tight, but you could be anyone you wanted. Whether it be Superman, Wonder Woman, The
Lone Ranger or Princess Leia……. It was so exciting. Do you remember that feeling? You could BE an entirely different
person. The power, joy, FREEDOM coursing
through your veins…….
It’s all still there as an adult…. But we probably don’t
enjoy putting on those masks anymore. We
do it because we “have to” or we need to be someone that we are not. We might have to use them to empower
ourselves, because we really don’t have it inside of ourselves to do what needs
to be done. Or maybe we are hiding
something about us that we don’t want people to see. Possibly we are putting on that brave face
that everyone has come to expect from us.
There are so many reasons. But I
have found that as adults, we simply can’t remove the mask. We tend to just put another one on top of it
to hide the first one. Over and over this
happens. We could barely see through the
first one, but the layers are making our sight of those around us and ourselves
more obscure. We come to a point where
we finally forget who we are deep down inside, before we started wearing the
masks. I, for one, would love if we all just dropped
them to the ground, but know that is easier said than done. I’ve created that façade that is hard to
break and the emotional insecurities are just too much to handle.
Wouldn’t it be nice and refreshing though if we all COULD do
The scary part is that without the masks you become vulnerable. It would be nice to feel safe enough to go without it.