Thursday, March 7, 2013

I don't wanna...........

I have decided that I don't want to.......

OK - to be more specific - I don't want to HAVE to learn about autism, I don't want to HAVE to learn about IEP's, I don't want to HAVE to tell my cute little boy that he has high functioning autism, I don't want to HAVE to tell my friends why he is not behaving as their "perfect little angels" are.

For some parents, it is a relief to have the diagnosis - and it can be. But with just being diagnosed, there is an information overload happening and the whirlwind of thoughts/emotions/things to do gets worse. It's not like I already didn't have a full-time job, parenting, cooking, cleaning, the add "investigator, advocate,..........well, the list just goes on and on.

I'm tired, I'm worn out and to HAVE to do this stuff while getting no help and support - just, well, Sucks!